Avoiding Relapse - Serenity Vista: Affordable Rehab for Addiction - Boquete - Panama
Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness are Indispensable
Most drug rehabs and addiction & alcoholism treatment centers provide a standard level of care for a primary initial time period and then offer additional step-down programs that enable the client to gradually reintegrate themselves into the rigors of daily life while outside the protective bubble of treatment. During this time, the client would normally have the opportunity to essentially test out some of the many relapse prevention techniques he or she had learned during the treatment process, but in an environment that offers more leeway to encounter some of life's daily hurdles...READ MORE
Get the help you deserve for drug addiction and alcoholism. Learn the tools for avoiding relapse.
www.serenityvista.com Rethinking Rehab in Central America
Anyone can stop smoking, but most people can't stop starting again. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin or crack cocaine, and kills more people than all other drug combined. We believe that for many people the best answer is residential drug rehab. There are only a few places in the world that offer this. The Mayo Clinic has a week long program, and there is a facility in Hong Kong. Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama offers a holistic 28 day program based on the 12 Steps of Nicotine Anonymous. The cost is less than 2 years worth of tobacco products....