Sunday, July 28, 2013

Serenity Vista drug rehab, addiction recovery, and codependency luxury retreat.

Serenity Vista drug rehab, addiction recovery, and codependency luxury retreat.

Serenity Vista, Boquete, Panama, addiction recovery, drug rehab, codependency retreat is for those seeking to embrace a new life of recovery after having lived with any form of addiction or relationship difficulty, as well as loved ones, family members, adult children of alcoholics/addicts, codependents, or anyone who chooses to experience a retreat for renewal, personal growth, spiritual exploration, or simply rest and restoration of mind, body and spirit READ MORE

Anyone can stop smoking, but most people can't stop starting again. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin or crack cocaine, and kills more people than all other drug combined. We believe that for many people the best answer is residential drug rehab. There are only a few places in the world that offer this. The Mayo Clinic has a week long program, and there is a facility in Hong Kong. Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama offers a holistic 28 day program based on the 12 Steps of Nicotine Anonymous. The cost is less than 2 years worth of tobacco products...

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama