Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tobacco Free Rehab Applauded - Serenity Vista Leads the Way

Regarding Press Release Below:

Hola! Serenity Vista,

I totally agree and applaud your announcement! It's a disgusting addiction that goes a step further than alcohol as it pollutes the environment. Telling that to myself many years ago helped me to stop. Later I worked as a case manager for a Sr. assistance social-aid program and went into the homes of people who were home-bound due to infirmity. I saw a lot of unpleasant things, one of which were people hooked up to oxygen machines and not being able to go anywhere without it following along behind them. Nothing to take lightly.

I agree with you totally.
Susan, Panama

PRESS RELEASE Boquete, Republic of Panama (PRWEB) April 18, 2013

Serenity Vista Addiction Facility of Panama Leads the Way for Smoking Cessation to Finally be Treated Like Other Drug Addictions

Smoking tobacco is the deadliest of all addictions, yet designated smoking areas are still the norm at most addiction treatment centers around the world. Serenity Vista in Boquete, Panama, is taking the bold step of breaking this tradition, announcing today that it is taking the often unpopular position of deciding to treat the use of nicotine the same as other drug addictions. Click to read the rest of the press release

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama