Sunday, May 17, 2015

Baffled With What To Do?

The Promises of the 12 Steps

The full sentence is "We will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us". And believe me, we know that this is TRUE!  When a person works the 12 Steps, everything changes, where a person may have felt like a little child pretending to be an adult, true maturity starts to emerge. You will know what to do! And that may be as simple as accepting that you don't know what to do, and asking for help. It can be that simple.   Your whole life will change.

If you have decided you are ready for addiction treatment, there are other options than what your insurance will pay for. Get the best private pay, luxury, international treatment available. Affordable in Panama.


The World's Most Affordable Private Luxury Alcohol & Drug Addiction Rehab 
Serenity Vista
Boquete, Chiriquí, Panama
Phone: 1-786-245-4067
Local Phone: 507 6839 0569
Fax: 888 597 7629

Serenity Vista is an international center for addiction treatment & recovery. Guests arrive from all over the world, including The United States, Canada, Australia, Spain, Germany, France, England, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Columbia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuala. International access to Panama City is convenient through all major travel hubs.

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama

Serenity Vista Panama * Worlds Best Rehab * Treatment in Panama